Friday 8 May 2009

Bye Bye Car

Well it isn't a happy first blog but its a start.
Yesterday i went to check on my car and discovered it was clamped, a bit annoying yes, then i found out about the release fee which was over half the value of my car.
I dicided that i'd let them take the car but on my terms haha, so i got to work on removing the engine, 2 hours later and its out, i also decided i'd add insult to injury and take off the wheels and leave the car up on bricks bar the clamped wheel.

Then me and my friend decided we'd do as much damage to it as possible seeing as it was going to be taken away the next day anyway, at first it was funny but part of me died a little inside while i was doing it. I'd put so much time effort and money into it only to be destroying it before it was taken away and it felt awful.

A day later and the car is now gone, I'm still in disbelief that its actually gone but now theres nothing i can do other than take some joy in the fact that it must have taken hours for them to move the car and thres now a big scrape mark where my car used to be which makes me laugh at how much work they must have done to remove the car.

Oh well its gone now and all i can do is save my money and hope i can find another nova thats just like mine, this time I'll be careful and never leave it anywhere it can be clamped by the greedy DVLA.